2013年2月28日 星期四

免費跨平台的好用編輯器/ ide


以下是我認為編輯器/ide 應該有的功能:

  1.  code/word complement: 這個功能很重要,可以避免打錯字
  2. 可以改字體顏色、與大小
  3. 能夠快速執行或編譯
  4. code navigation: 這個功能主要是在看 code 時比較方便

  1. eclipse: 我開發 python 程式與 android 首選。 pydev 應該是我目前用過最好的 python ide。這套軟體拿來開發 java 程式也不錯,只是目前我很少需要寫 java 程式就是了。
  2. vim: 拿來開發小軟體用的,或是要測試一小段程式碼用的。高度可自訂性,vim功能強不強就看你花在 vim 多少時間而定。 它還有一個優勢,就是支援超多程式語言,至少它支援 golang (應該說 golang 有支援它)
  3. komodo edit: 最近發現不錯的編輯器,大概拿來取代 windows 下的 notepad++ 與 ubuntu 下的 gedit 吧。

據說,netbeans 在對 php 與 ruby 支援不錯,如果你有在使用那兩種程式語言的話可以考慮。不過我沒在用 ruby 與 php,所以目前就不考慮 netbeans。

1 則留言:

  1. They upload that footage to a technical workers in St. Petersburg, who analyze the video and calculate the machine’s pattern primarily based on what they know in regards to the model’s pseudorandom number generator. If you're be} half in} a video slot with 100 paylines at $1 per line, your minimal wager is $100 per play. For higher payback share, elevated scores as a player and more customized attention, you might want to move over to the high-limit machines. While we're at it, the concept of a "sizzling" machine also does not pan out logically. Realistically speaking, a slot machine is a like a pair of dice. You might feel like after you roll 4 sixes in a row you're 1xbet in all probability not going to get another six, however in all likelihood, the six is simply as probably to|prone to} come up again as each other number.
