2014年6月22日 星期日

introduce to call_seq.

    A tool to help you trace code efficiently. call_seq record the program how to run and save the result to file with json format.

Quick start to try it.

                $ pip install pyside pyqode.core pyqode.python
                $ git clone https://github.com/ya790206/call_seq
                $ python demo.py
                $ python -m call_seq.browser output.json        

How to record the program how to run.

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        with CallSeq(name='output.json'):
            test() #  the code you want to trace

After the file output.json created, then you run the below command.

python -m call_seq.browser output.json

Now you can trace code using call_seq.browser. Enjoy it.

1 則留言:

  1. The on line casino operator can select which EPROM chip to install in any explicit machine to pick out} the payout desired. The result is that there is not really such a factor as a high payback kind of machine, since 배당 토토 every machine probably has multiple of} settings. Without revealing the proprietary information, he developed a program that would allow him to determine out} with often lower than a dozen plays on each machine which EPROM chip was installed.
